Posted by: forgingahead | March 25, 2010


This is my life this week…

Any week that starts with taking a taxi to the airport at 6am Monday morning is bound to have a hefty slice of spin involved.

The executive meeting event at the W Hollywood went really well. Then I booked it home on Tuesday while the rest of my team executed similar meetings in Seattle, DC and Atlanta. I swear, supporting these remotely is as much if not more work than being on-site.

The not so good news, very little triathlon training has taken place this week. No running, spinning, swimming or cycling since Saturday. Oh dear.

The good news – I did get on my horse this morning and he’s doing SO well! We’re back into full work and he’s loving it. As am I.

We did a quadrille on Sunday with three other horses (a true quadrille) and Now Voyager was like a big kid trying to keep up with Eddie, the fancy dressage horse who is about 30 percent bigger. So he takes bigger steps and NV was trying like mad to keep even with him as we trotted in patterns.

What else? Charisa has her big pro debut at Oceanside this weekend! She has the best mind-set for this racing stuff and is a total inspiration.

And on Saturday I get to do a yoga workshop with Sage Rountree – my cycling coach and another inspirational woman athlete. Plus my friends Michelle and Clair are going to be there too. I’m psyched!

Posted by: forgingahead | March 22, 2010


I’m in Hollywood. Love saying that. Sounds so fabulous.

Truth to be told I’m here less than 24 hours and probably won’t leave the hotel. But at least it’s a lovely hotel. The new W is swank – as are all W’s. If you haven’t stayed in one you should check them out. I’m a fan.

Fingers crossed our executive meeting goes well today. I’m here so it should, right?


I’ve been swamped with work so less time to share and I miss you guys!

And may I say I have a whole new level of appreciation for the time it takes to train for an Ironman. I’m only training for a half and I’m wicked busy! Makes one even more organized.

Have a great day everyone!

Posted by: forgingahead | March 17, 2010

My Kid Brother

Isn’t he cute…I mean handsome?

He usually makes me smile like this. Of course, like most siblings, he can also make me frown. But less so as the years go by. Right Kevin?

Thanks Bert for the beautiful photo! Taken at Aunt Margie’s Birthday/Wake.

Happy St. Patty’s Day!

Posted by: forgingahead | March 16, 2010


Yes, I am spinning. In all directions and 24/7.

However, I’m also starting to take spin classes at the Y! I know I am super late to this extremely valuable training tool. But can I just say, spinning is super fun!

I took my first-ever class last week and was digging the music set and the motivational leader at the front of the room.

Then about an hour after class my legs stopped working. They felt so drained. Not hurt, just sapped.

A couple of hours after that I had a whole new spring in my step. Magic!

The class today was a lot of heavy hill climbing and my legs haven’t quite bounced back yet.

Those of you who do this thing, what say you? Does it help with real-world cycling? I love that I can fit a “bike ride” in at lunch.

Posted by: forgingahead | March 14, 2010

Extending Mileage

What a great weekend! First of all, the sun came out. And stayed! After a torrential downpour on Friday everyone had giant smiles on their faces when Saturday dawned clear and cold.

Bert and I put in our first seriously long bike ride of the year. 30 miles – nearly 3,000 feet of climbing. We started in Tilden Park (Berkeley) and did a giant circle through Orinda, Moraga, Piedmont and more.

We got a pretty early start and the 45 degree temp was a bit brutal on the fingers and face for a first few descents. But we hit our stride heading into the sun and never looked back. I really love to ride my bike!

Our reward was a Bakesale Betty fried chicken sandwich and it really hit the spot!

I’m ashamed to say that the ride wiped me out enough to nap in the afternoon and I dragged my feet long enough that I ran out of light to go to the barn. I’ll have to get my endurance back up.

However, Sunday morning I headed out for a new 6 mile run route up and over Twin Peaks (well, really sort of up and around it) and into Golden Gate Park. They close one road to cars on Sunday and it was so early I could run down the yellow center line and not bother anyone.

I met Bert at Zazie’s on my way home and we enjoyed a lovely breakfast. Then walked home the final two miles together.

This time I did have the strength to get my butt to the barn and on the horse. My wonderfully sound and fun to ride horse. Though I’m pretty sure he could have kept going even when I was ready to call it a wrap.

All of that and it’s still light at 7pm! I’m so ready for Spring!

Posted by: forgingahead | March 10, 2010

Three a Day

I’ve decided that today is the official kick-off of my 2010 triathlon training season!

Why? Thanks for asking. I’ll tell you.

First of all, I was sitting around this weekend getting cranky that I couldn’t find the time to get in a swim. And with all the walking I’ve been doing with Bert every other morning my running time is taking a hit too. As far as cycling goes I’m pretty much doing one 20 mile ride on the weekend and maybe a spin session midweek.

None of this is going to get me through any of my races in decent shape. Something had to give.

A lightbulb went off in my head. Join the YMCA! It’s half a block from work and I bet I can get there at least 3 times a week at lunch. They have a nice pool. They have spin class. They have treadmills overlooking the bay. Pretty sweet.

So on Monday I signed up. But was too busy to swim. Tuesday, same deal.

This morning we did our 5 mile walking loop in the crisp cold air. Nice.

To say I was determined to swim at lunch is an understatement. And swim I did! It was SO. AWESOME!

The pool temp was a little warm and the air a little humid but the natural light from the windows was nice. And I had a lane mostly to myself and did a decent 1,250 meters. Love that euphoric feeling I get in the water.

When I got home this evening Bert was up for a second walk loop. So we did that too.

I’m finally feeling that pleasantly drained feeling I get when I’m seriously training for a race. And I love it. Is that weird? I think not.

Posted by: forgingahead | March 9, 2010

Wonderful Ride

How do I put joy into words?

That photo is from last October when Now Voyager was last perfectly sound and in steady work.

See the muscle? The gleaming coat. The smile on my face? That’s one of the last times Now Voyager and I had a day like that.

It’s been four very long months. Time filled with doubt and fear that my boy had some serious injury or a chronic lameness.

And then a few weeks ago, a miracle. NV took one sound step after another.

I was cautiously optimistic. Extremely cautious. Each ride was mostly walking with a tiny bit of trot added in small doses and only in a straight line.

Sunday we joined the quadrille practice and he seemed pretty good. We did mostly walk.

And then this morning? Perfection.

Anke, my trainer, and I were the only ones there at 7am in the 41 degree morning. One of those still, quiet and cold mornings that make you happy you’re alive.

She was riding a horse for a client who matched NV in size, color and temperament. And we rode side by side. A nice long 20 minute walk warm up for us and the horses as they got to know each other.

Then 20 minutes of continuous trot work around the big arena, changing direction every so often.

NV was in heaven. Showing off for the pretty girl horse and enjoying moving forward with his big fancy stride – pain free.

Life is good.

Posted by: forgingahead | March 7, 2010

Bittersweet Birthday

We were the first to arrive at the birthday party gathering to celebrate my Great Great Aunt Margie turning 100 years old.

“Aunt Margie died last night,” was the first thing my cousin Paul said after we finished our greetings.

I glanced over at my cousin Lily. “Are you kidding,” I stupidly asked. I mean, why would they kid about such a thing? But I think that was the shock talking.

“She was fine yesterday morning and then she took a bad turn. We decided to go ahead with the gathering so we could celebrate her life,” they said.

My 90 year old great uncle walked in next and he looked like someone punched him when they shared the news. So I decided to call my family members in transit and give them a heads up. Just so my 86 year old grandmother and 85 year old great aunt could get the news in a car with their immediate family and have a moment to adjust.

The Irish know how to have a wake and Aunt Margie had an amazing life. So the gathering – though it started out kind of quiet – evolved into an afternoon of storytelling and looking through great photos of family gatherings in days past.

The city of Santa Clara had drawn up a proclimation to honor Margie and the city councilwoman gave a very thoughtful speech that made us all smile.

And we ate birthday cake. Lots and lots.

Posted by: forgingahead | March 5, 2010

Embracing the Weekend

Where oh where did the week go? I’ll tell you where. It got eaten up by work.

I’m very much looking forward to the weekend! This one will be packed with family. My great aunt’s 100th birthday celebration is bringing together all the relatives from across the county.

My kid brother is even flying out from Denver. It’s his birthday too. So lots to celebrate.

My training goals are to get in a long ride and a long run. Maybe a swim too if I have time, but I’m more worried about my running fitness at the moment.

Now Voyager remains sound and happy so far! We’ve been having a fair amount of rain which closes the arena which means hand walking him. But we were able to do a ride this morning and boy was he fresh. Looking for any old reason to do what I call a mini-explosion. Like he would take off bucking if I let him. But he’s willing to settle down if I don’t fall off. It’s kind of entertaining and just a wee bit scary. Gets the heart going.

The best news at our barn is that Sun the super mustang came through his colic surgery and seems to be doing well! Huge relief to all of us. Our love and hugs go out to Marta and Sun.

Hope you all have a great one!

Posted by: forgingahead | March 2, 2010

Grape Nuts Exposé

The Wall Street Journal did an exposé on Grape Nuts last year.

The big reveal? There are no grape nuts in Grape Nuts. Mostly because there is no such thing as a grape nut.

What’s in it then?

This next bit is borrowed directly from the WSJ article:

Mixed with yeast (one cup per 2,000 pounds) and water, the flour turns to dough, gets chopped into 10-pound loaves and sent into a huge oven — 1,610 loaves at a time.

The loaves then emerge from the oven and catapult into the darkness. An instant later, they hit the fan — a whirling high-speed shredder that rips them to smithereens.

So that’s what they are: effectively, compacted croutons. With some vitamins and minerals sprayed on. I’m crushed.

Here’s a Grape Nuts ad from the 1960s:

I’m laughing because Burke is my maiden name and maybe this ad – that came out around the time I was born – was early brainwashing.

Because I’ve been a Grape Nut fan for years. At least since the 80s. There’s something so satisfying about the serious crunch factor of this cereal.

But I’m also a fan of eating whole grains. So bye bye Grape Nuts.

On the training front we did a bike ride on Sunday – 16 miles and 1,600 vertical feet of climbing. FUN! Felt pretty darn strong too. I think it was the glorious day of sunshine and being able to ride in a short sleeved jersey that fueled my bike.

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